We have plenty of DBZ themed accessories that will help you step into the role of your favorite character. Of course, you may just need a few odds and ends to finish up the cosplay outfit that you’ve been crafting. You can even find Bulma costumes here, so you can support the team with a plethora of necessary gadgets! And don’t worry, because we have sizes for men, women, and kids, ensuring that every Dragon Ball Z fan can dress up as their favorite character from the anime series. We even have the baddest villain of them all, Frieza. We’ve gathered together some of the greatest Dragon Ball Z costume options in the world! We carry all of the most popular characters from the series, like the heroes Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Trunks, and Piccolo.

We’ve gotten to watch roster of fighters grow over the years and the battles unfold, which is great news for the fans, because that means plenty of different costumes to wear!

Bulma’s burning wish at the time? A perfect boyfriend! Of course, she never got to make that wish, but her can Goku become lifelong friends as they recruited plenty of new and wacky characters to their cause! The series eventually went on to pit Goku and his friends against increasingly dangerous villains. He teams up with Bulma in order to find the 7 Dragon Balls to request a wish from the great and powerful dragon, Shenron. The story started with the humble adventure of Goku, the amazingly strong boy living in the wilderness. But that’s where the now legendary Dragon Ball Z manga series began! Soon after, the series transformed into the most popular anime series of all time. Well, his idea went through a lot of changes and ended up being much less based on the novel that he originally intended. All the way back in 1984, the Japanese artist, Akira Toriyama, set into the world with a starry-eyed dream! That simple dream was to make the best darn manga based on the classic Chinese novel, A Journey to the West.